AM Stock Cameo Film Library - 'The World As You Imagine It'
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(310) 479-4800

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Searching for ""one bunker hill" los angeles office building" found 26440 matches.
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<< < 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 ... >

Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the office which has a closed door.


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Length: 20 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the office which has a closed door then pan left to the bays.


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Length: 9 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the office which has a closed door.


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Length: 8 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the closed bays.


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Length: 14 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Tilt down from sky to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the closed bays and the office.


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Length: 16 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with aluminum doors all closed. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We favor the closed bays and the office. We then pan left.


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Length: 26 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 17 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside. We pan from the office to the work area.


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Length: 12 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 11 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 12 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Raked from the right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 19 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Pan left to right to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 9 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. There are some cars parked outside.


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Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Tighter Static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls.


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Length: 12 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Wide Static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. The office door is closed.


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Length: 17 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Pan right to left to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. The office door is closed.


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Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Wide static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. The office door is closed.


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Length: 11 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Wide static to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. The office door is closed.


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Length: 25 sec.

Format: 4K R3D

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Pan to a body shop, mechanics garage, car repair with most of the bay doors open. We see ads stating buy, sell, trade cars, and Auto Repair on the walls. The office door is closed.


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<< < 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 ... >
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