Length: 22 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Pan right seeing a sign to a two story brick museum that could be a house. We see upstairs lights off and downstairs lights on. Porch lights also on. There is a sign in front saying "Rutherford Falls Heritage Museum." Requires Additional Clearance
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Pan right seeing a sign to a two story brick museum that could be a house. We see upstairs lights off and downstairs lights on. Porch lights also on. There is a sign in front saying "Rutherford Falls Heritage Museum." Requires Additional Clearance
Length: 48 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static on a two story wood house and then an Uber driver driving a Prius drops off a woman who gets out of the car from the driver side back seat and walks up and into the house.
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Length: 48 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static on a two story wood house and then an Uber driver driving a Prius drops off a woman who gets out of the car from the driver side back seat and walks up and into the house.
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Length: 36 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static on a two story wood house and then an Uber driver driving a Prius drops off a woman who gets out of the car from the driver side back seat and walks up and into the house. The UBER drives away.
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Length: 35 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static on a two story wood house and then an Uber driver driving a Prius drops off a woman who gets out of the car from the driver side back seat and walks up and into the house. The UBER drives away.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Up view to a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Tilt up from bottom to a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 10 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static to the bottom level of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 15 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Pan left along the bottom level of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Small arc to the bottom level of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 9 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static to the bottom two levels of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Raked up angle to a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 10 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Raked up angle static to the 2nd floor of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Tilt up to the top floors of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 8 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static up to the top floors of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade.
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Length: 7 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static up to the bottom floor of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade. There are a series of steps from the street up to the front door.
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Length: 12 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Wide static to a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade. There are a series of steps from the street up to the front door.
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Length: 18 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Small pan right to a window on the second story of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade. There are a series of steps from the street up to the front door.
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Length: 8 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static to the bottom level of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade. There are a series of steps from the street up to the front door.
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Length: 9 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static to the second level of a three story white Victorian wood house that sits on the corner. There is an arched front door. House is in the shade. There are a series of steps from the street up to the front door.
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