AM Stock Cameo Film Library - 'The World As You Imagine It'
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Searching for ""one bunker hill" los angeles office building" found 26440 matches.
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Length: 13 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold quaint store fronts (Tarot reader/Palm Card Reader/Psychic/Fortune Teller) on small town street, one way New England Street with 1-3 story wood bldgs with stores/businesses on bottom, then pans L a bit, few people, SUV's away, black truck up, breezy, (spring or summer)


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Length: 16 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story wood bldgs with stores/businesses, restaurants, many power poles- than pan R to hold traffic with cars away, people by, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 7 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story wood bldgs with stores/businesses, restaurants, many power poles, traffic with cars away, people by, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 12 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down busy sidewalk on quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-4 story bldgs with stores/businesses, restaurants, then pans R to rake street and clothing stores, people by, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 13 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down busy sidewalk on quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-4 story bldgs with stores/businesses, restaurants, then pans R to rake street and clothing stores, people by, black pick up truck and black SUV Range Rover to camera, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down busy quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-4 story bldgs with stores/businesses, restaurants, people by, cars, SUV's, vans to camera, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 23 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd R down quaint one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story bldgs with stores/businesses, van then black SUV to camera then pans L to rake storefronts, breezy, 2-3 people by, white cargo van to camera, (spring or summer


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Length: 9 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd down quaint busy one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story mostly wood bldgs with stores/businesses, many power poles, people on right sidewalk, breezy, resort town (spring or summer)


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Length: 13 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- pan L off busy sidewalk to hold rkd down quaint one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story mostly wood bldgs with stores/businesses, many power poles, breezy, resort town/beach town (spring or summer)


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Length: 9 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold rkd down quaint one way small town street/city street lined with 1-3 story mostly wood bldgs with stores/businesses, many power poles, some people on sidewalks, breezy, resort town/beach town (spring or summer)


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Length: 17 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- pan R off quaint one way small town street with 1-3 story mostly wood bldgs with stores/businesses, many power poles, then pans R to hold rkd L on "Gary's Handy Lunch" diner restaurant with stripped awning and big windows, breezy, (spring or summer) May need Clearance to use name- ok to CGI out


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Length: 15 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold coastline (see boat in distance) then arcs R to hold a nice eastern beach house/coastal house on a hill with lots of greenery, breezy, (spring or summer) May need Clearance


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Length: 8 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold raking down on busy small sandy beach/ eastern beach with small buildings in bg, one ban be a beach cafe restaurant, breezy, resort town, beach town, New England feel (spring or summer)


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Length: 10 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold down on busy small sandy beach/ eastern beach with small buildings in bg, one ban be a beach cafe restaurant, breezy, resort town, beach town, New England feel (spring or summer)


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Length: 5 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- tight on 3 female sunbathers in bikinis laying on towels on sandy beach/ eastern beach, one in middle is siting up, (spring or summer)


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Length: 5 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- tight on 3 female sunbathers in bikinis with backs to camera sitting on towels on sandy beach/ eastern beach, one (spring or summer) (spring or summer)


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Length: 7 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold busy sandy beach/ eastern beach, 2 large women (one overweight female) standing and talking, see people in water in bg, breezy, (spring or summer)


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Length: 71 sec.

Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- low angle- tight hold on nice two story craftsman house, wood house/light green, porch, all red door, all lights on then one upstairs light turns off- slight pan L then other upstairs light turns off, then right downstairs light turns off then slight pan L and other downstairs light turns off (summer or spring)


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Length: 31 sec.

Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX, late day, stormy day/Dusk- hold across to nice two story craftsman house, wood house/light green, porch, all red door, most lights on then lights turn off one by one, silver SUV by L-R, cloudy, (summer or spring)


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Length: 28 sec.

Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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Dusk- hold on nice two story craftsman house, wood house/light green, porch, all red door, upstairs lights on, car by, then lights turn off one by one, stormy/cloudy, breezy, (summer or spring)


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