Length: 24 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static shot raked from the right on to a nice new construction tan wood sided two story house. There is an attached garage with a white door and some glass inserts. Most of the lights are off.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Arc off the street to a six story brick apartment building or brick office building on the corner. Large loft windows. There are El Train tracks crossing in front. On the bottom level in a business or maybe restaurant or bar.
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Length: 18 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- tilt off street to establish a six story brick office building on the corner. Large loft windows. There are El Train tracks crossing in front. On the bottom level in a business or maybe restaurant or bar.
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Length: 15 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Off street tilt to a six story brick office building on the corner. Large loft windows. There are El Train tracks crossing in front. On the bottom level in a business or maybe restaurant or bar.
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Length: 8 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Off street tilt to a six story brick office building on the corner. Large loft windows. There are El Train tracks crossing in front. On the bottom level in a business or maybe restaurant or bar. El train crosses left to right.
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Length: 14 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- process plates- 2 shot to driver- driving on road that is just after you are off the Oakland Bay Bridge, blue sky (has matching angles)
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Length: 33 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. Needs additional clearance and location fee
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Length: 30 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. There are waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around outside on the grass. Needs additional clearance and location fee
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Length: 39 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. There are waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around outside on the grass. **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 32 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. There are waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around outside on the grass. **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 32 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. There are waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around outside on the grass. **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 40 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static to various guests arriving at a party being held in a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. There are waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around outside on the grass. **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 25 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static various waiters, waitresses and bartenders cleaning up in front of a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. . **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 23 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static various waiters, waitresses and bartenders cleaning up in front of a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. . **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 33 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static various waiters, waitresses and bartenders walking around and some guests arriving at the yard in front of a simple two story wood house. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. . **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 33 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Lock off static seeing some people inside a simple wo story wood house with a white Picket fence.. There is a banner on the porch saying "BAMA" for the University of Alabama. . **** THIS HOUSE NEEDS TO BE PAID A LOCATION FEE FOR USE.****
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Length: 118 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static tight to entrance of a brick elementary school. There are five steps leading up to the front door which is orange. We see students hanging out in front. A car drops off students then eventually they all go inside the school.
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Length: 88 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Process plate 90 to driver parked on a two lane (mostly) rural highway. Very dark, Remote. We are pulled over to the side parked. We see police lights reflecting off the trees?
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Length: 20 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Small pan left looking across Lake Michigan to the Chicago skyline which is lined by tall office buildings and apartments. The lights are reflecting off the water.
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Length: 15 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Tilt up off water across Lake Michigan to the Chicago skyline which is lined by tall office buildings and apartments. The lights are reflecting off the water.
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