Length: 25 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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Dusk/NX- Parked Process Plate/45 to passenger- In front of multi-story condo/apt building. Palms.
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Length: 24 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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Dusk/NX- Parked Process Plate/45 to passenger- In front of multi-story condo/apt building. Palms.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Wide- Tilt up on Raked R tall brick apartment building.
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, late afternoon- High angle panorama over a large European city/foreign city with large older type buildings, looks like a school/official building in fg, line of tall apartments in bg (Bucharest, Romania)
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Length: 6 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, sunrise or sunset, late afternoon- High angle panorama over a large European city/foreign city with large older type buildings, looks like a school/official building in fg, line of tall apartments in bg, with sun 1/2 down low on horizon. (Bucharest, Romania)
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Length: 7 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, sunrise or sunset, late afternoon- High angle panorama over a large European city/foreign city with large older type buildings, looks like a school/official building in fg, line of tall apartments in bg, with sun 1/2 down low on horizon. (Bucharest, Romania)
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 35mm (3 perf)
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- High down panorama of a foreign city/European city with many clustered buildings, hillside in bg, ornate cathedral or official building with green dome (Monaco Opera House or Salle Garnier), see modern apartment buildings in fg, (vacation destination)
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Length: 23 sec.
Format: 35mm (3 perf)
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Rkd L wide on European building with a foreign restaurant/foreign cafe with outside patio on right of it, (Monte Carlo)
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Length: 6 sec.
Format: 35mm (3 perf)
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- rkd R tight on stone building with arched entrance door to a ND foreign police station/European police station, police car parked on right, people by, then see small police car by with emergency lights on from lbg and cuts, rkd R (Monte Carlo)
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Length: 3 sec.
Format: 35mm (3 perf)
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- rkd R tight on open door with wrought iron accents of a stone building with with a police sign emblem on right, foreign police station/European police station (Monte Carlo)
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Length: 24 sec.
Format: Technovision 2.35:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
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DX- Up angle to group of older stone buildings with red tiled roofs and roof antennas, one is a pretty yellow terraced foreign apartment building, seagulls fly around, can be a SPOV from a boat, cloudy (European city/foreign city).
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Length: 6 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX-establish Amsterdam with quaint 4-5 story small office buildings or apartment buildings on left along canal in bg, small house boats docked (foreign city, European city)
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Length: 21 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX-establish Amsterdam with quaint 4-5 story small office buildings or apartment buildings on right along canal in bg, small house boats docked- holds then pans L to establish other side, boat by (foreign city, European city)
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Length: 19 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- from across canal/marina to a foreign city port/dock with a large ornate building, green hills on left, pans L-R to establish a European city/vacation destination with hotels in bg and a marina filled with yachts docked in fg, see Columbus Monument tower statue in bg, (Barcelona, Spain)
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Length: 17 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- from across canal/marina hold on foreign city port/dock with a large ornate building, green hills on left, pans L-R to establish a European city/vacation destination with hotels in bg, see Columbus Monument tower statue in bg, (Barcelona, Spain)
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Length: 18 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- from across canal/marina hold on foreign city port/dock with a large ornate building, green hills on left, pans L-R to establish a European city/vacation destination with hotels in bg, see Columbus Monument tower statue in bg, (Barcelona, Spain)
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Length: 10 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold across canal/marina to foreign city port/dock with a large ornate building, establish a European city/vacation destination with hotels in bg, see Columbus Monument tower statue in bg, (Barcelona, Spain)
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- establish Trafalger Square street shot with people in jackets, crowded London street with office buildings in bg, England
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Length: 45 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Low angle, on large fountain on left in Trafalger Square, people in jackets sitting around, traffic on right, ornate office buildings in bg- holds then see Tops Tour bus in from left and pan R with it as it passes then hold London street, England
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Length: 53 sec.
Format: Super 35, 2.35:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
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DUSK- Aerial- Along bridge, zoom in tight on/follow dark van. Pulls out, see New York City in background with Empire State Building.
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