Length: 178 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
Length: 134 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
Length: 166 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
Length: 17 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
Length: 82 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
Length: 55 sec.
Format: 4K R3D
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.
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Rights temporarily restricted NX- Across the street and then small jib/crane moves to the upper levels of the Eastern building and back down a few times which is a LA Landmark. The green tiles of this art deco and has a clock tower at the top. The building sits on a corner with a restaurant on the bottom level.