AM Stock Cameo Film Library - 'The World As You Imagine It'
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(310) 479-4800

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Searching for "driver to passenger sides" found 655 matches.
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Length: 502 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates - 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on freeway (flowing, 60 mph) passing city, into more residential suburb area, some palm trees (has other angles)


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Length: 163 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on city street from stop make a left turn, continues past stores on bottom floor of bldgs and slows to almost a stop (has other angles)


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Length: 152 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on darker city street then pull over and parks/parked for a long time in front of a restaurant (lock off parked plate) then pull away and continues (has other angles)


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Length: 151 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on city street continues to make a left turn onto a dark city street, brief stop then into residential street passing apartments (has other angles)


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Length: 29 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on city street continues a bit then stops at light for a while (has other angles)


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Length: 128 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 2-shot driver to passenger side plates on city street- immediate left turn onto a city street with lighted trees in median, then comes to a brief stop and continues (has other angles)


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Length: 426 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX, early morning- process plates - 90 driver to passenger side plates- continues on same quaint city street (pass Cortez Auto Insurance) pass stores/businesses, right turn onto more of a mutli-use residential and city street, right turn, pass empty lot, small buildings, slows down then pass apts/houses, right turn past stores, park, turn right, another right, stops in front of money order store (has other angles)


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Length: 29 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX, early morning- process plates - 90 driver to passenger side plates- continues on same quaint city street (has other angles)


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Length: 75 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- process plates- 90 driver to passenger side plates-continues with right turn on downtown street with large buildings/business on bottom, pulls over/parked long time in front of modern entrance to a office building or apartment building (Upper East side, New York), has various angles


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Length: 84 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 driver to passenger side plates driving on an eastern urban residential street (houses close together), passes park then abruptly stops, double parked for long time (16 sec) in front of a park, windy green trees, then continues then another abrupt stop/double parked 22 seconds then continues (has more angles)


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Length: 370 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 driver to passenger side plates driving on an eastern urban residential street (houses close together), makes left turn-passes houses, stops at light- goes then abruptly stops/double parked 33 seconds, windy green trees, goes and makes a few stops at stop signs and a few left turns then abrupt stop/double parked 19 sec then goes then abrupt stop/double parked 17 sec and goes (has more angles)


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Length: 144 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- on small urban city street- stores/business on bottom floors, pass few residential houses (intermittent Christmas decorations), bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 34 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- stopped in front of stone bldg for 3 seconds then continues on small urban city street- stores/business on bottom floors, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 42 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- immediate Left turn onto small urban city street- stores/business on bottom floors,comes to a stop (intermittent Christmas decorations) bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 40 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- continue on small urban city street- stores/business on bottom floors, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 92 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- continue on small urban city street- under bridge/platform- pass stores/business on bottom floors- slows to a stop and cuts, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 170 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- continue on small urban city street- under bridge/platform- pass post office, stores/businesses- eventually slows to a stop 6 seconds, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 92 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- continue on small urban city street- stores/businesses on bottom floors- eventually slows to almost a stop then cuts, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 257 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- continue on small urban city street- stores/businesses on bottom floors- eventually slows to almost a stop then continues (Christmas decorations toward end), bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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Length: 75 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- process plates- 90 2 shot driver to passenger side plates- stopped 6 seconds at light then makes Left turn, pass playground at school, bare trees, winter (has other angles)


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