Length: 59 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Walking SPOV through narrow New Orleans French Quarter street, 2 or 3 story buildings with balconies. Busy sidewalk, tourist activity (some in shorts). Spring/summer.
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Length: 56 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Walking SPOV through narrow New Orleans French Quarter street, 2 or 3 story buildings with balconies. Busy sidewalk, tourist activity (some in shorts). Spring/summer.
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Length: 72 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Walking SPOV through narrow New Orleans French Quarter street, 2 or 3 story buildings with balconies, holding on strip clubs/adult stores. Busy sidewalk, tourist activity (some in shorts). Spring/summer.
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Length: 20 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Walking SPOV through narrow New Orleans French Quarter street, 2 or 3 story buildings with balconies. Busy sidewalk, tourist activity (some in shorts). Spring/summer.
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static- From sidewalk/curved bridge to ND skyline/tall office buildings, ornate street lights.
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Static- Up angle- LS to Tribune Building, Wrigley Building on L. Ornate street lights in foreground.
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Length: 17 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static- Chicago street- along North Shore Drive with skyline in bg, John Hancock Tower in bg. Moderate traffic, including taxi. Green trees. Spring/summer.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static- Chicago street- along North Shore Drive with skyline in bg, John Hancock Tower in bg. Moderate traffic, including taxi. Green trees. Spring/summer.
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Length: 29 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Hold on top floors of Marina City Honeycomb Buildings, then tilt down to busy street below. Pan R over street, then tilt up over downtown office buildings. 80's era vehicles, including taxis and 2 transit buses.
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Length: 64 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Static- Hold (for approx. 9 seconds) on quiet/deserted small town street and bridge, rundown/low income area, then older yellow van with red stripes through, away over bridge. Moderate traffic follows though, in both directions. Green trees.
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Length: 11 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX/DUSK- Rural mountain road, older yellow van with red stripes around bend, to and past camera, Pan L as passes. Headlights on. Green trees, spring/summer.
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Length: 22 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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MORNING/DX/DUSK- Static- Hold on quiet road (for approx. 6 seconds), then older yellow van with red stripes (lights on), away on rural mountain road, disappears around bend in distance. Evergreen trees.
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Length: 20 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DAWN/DX/DUSK- High angle- Wide/LS- Pan L with vehicle on mountain road, headlights on. Evergreen trees.
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Length: 19 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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MAGIC HOUR/NX- Static- Hold (for approx. 8 seconds) on quiet/deserted mountain road, then older yellow van with red stripes comes around bend/curve in distance, toward camera. Evergreen trees.
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Hold (for approx. 8 seconds) on quaint one story brown wood house/duplex, lush green trees, then Pan L with older yellow van with red stripes through. Small residential street. Spring/summer.
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Length: 27 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold up angle on a very tall modern high rise apartment building/office building or hotel with architectural details of different levels then tilt down to street and see limo pulling up to bldg,
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Length: 24 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold up angle on a very tall modern high rise apartment building/office building or hotel with architectural details of different levels then tilt down to street and see limo pulling up to bldg,
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Length: 7 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold on a downtown street corner and in bg see black limo pulling up to front of a hotel/apartment building or office building with awning
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Length: 30 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- high down to a small town with snow, people on sidewalks, early 2000 red pick up truck and cars down street then pan R with small blue hatchback car L-R makes a left turn and parks in front of a small store and holds on street
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Length: 27 sec.
Format: 35mm 1.33:1
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, early morning, sunrise- 40 fps- hold low angle on small town street with a street lamp light on and 2-3 story buildings then see a Police or Sheriff SUV down street and makes a left turn in front of camera
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