Length: 31 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- PARKED process plates- POV to driver side slight rake forward- parked on city street across from storefront (and dental office) (has more angles)
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Length: 2 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, early morning- PARKED process plates- 45 to driver- parked on quiet residential city street with upscale apartments and storefront (dental office on corner) (has more angles)
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Length: 29 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, early morning- PARKED process plates- 45 to driver- parked on quiet residential city street with upscale apartments and storefront (dental office on corner) (has more angles)
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Length: 31 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX, early morning- lock off plate up to sky with a large modern apartment building on right with balconies and tip of roofs from brick apts on left
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Length: 14 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- Tilt up a building to see a rooftop bar on top of a restaurant. (could be apartment rooftop patio)
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Length: 15 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Cars approach over a bridge then pan to a corner of a small town street and see a bar and restaurant in the building.
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Length: 17 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Pan L-R on a small town street and see an Opera House or Symphony building on the street.
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Length: 18 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Pan R-L on a small town street and see an Opera House or Symphony building on the street.
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Length: 28 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold across to a low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc
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Length: 14 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- pan R to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc, woman by
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Length: 12 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- wide- slight rkd R- hold low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc, group of people exit
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- rkd L- hold storefront then pan L to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc, group of people exit Lethal May need Additional Clearance
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Length: 17 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- pan L off storefronts to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc
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Length: 16 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold storefront then pan L to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc Lethal May need Additional Clearance
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Length: 19 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- pan R to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc, man by
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Length: 15 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc
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Length: 22 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc, man by then another man by
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Length: 17 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- hold storefront then pan L to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc Lethal May need Additional Clearance
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Length: 27 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- pan R to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc
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Length: 27 sec.
Format: 4:4:4:4 (LogC)
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX- wide hold across to low end bar with Monty's sign, brick building, wood doors, no windows- can be dance studio, recording studio, pool hall, etc
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