AM Stock Cameo Film Library - 'The World As You Imagine It'
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Searching for ""one bunker hill" los angeles office building" found 26440 matches.
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Length: 13 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static- Wide- Raked R 4-5 story stucco apartment building/condo with balconies, arched windows on top floor and underground parking. Person exits, palms. Spring/summer.


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Length: 6 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static- Wide- Raked R 4-5 story stucco apartment building/condo with balconies, arched windows on top floor and underground parking, palms. Spring/summer


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Length: 59 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (37 seconds, can be locked off plate), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to abrupt stop in middle of road (10 seconds). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 38 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (11 seconds), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to an abrupt stop in middle of road (11 seconds). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 30 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (13 seconds), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to abrupt stop in middle of road, pans R a bit. Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 37 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (10 seconds), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to abrupt stop in middle of road, pans R a bit (holds 15 seconds, can be locked off plate). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 27 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (7 seconds), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to abrupt stop in middle of road, pans R a bit (holds 8 seconds). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 27 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Straight Back- Parked at curb (5 seconds), then pulls away. Middle class residential on left, multi-story modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building on right. Comes to abrupt stop in middle of road, pans R a bit (holds 8 seconds). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 14 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Locked off PARKED plate- 45 to Driver- ND side street, bottom floors of modern brick/stone and glass corporate/office building/apartment building. Palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 17 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Locked off parked plate- straight back sight rake to driver- Stopped in middle of ND residential street with large modern brick/stone & glass corporate/office building/apartment building. Green trees and palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 24 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Locked off parked plate- 45 to Driver- Residential street, large modern stone/brick & glass apartment building/office building/corporate. Palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 12 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Locked off parked plate- 45 to Passenger- Middle class residential street, two story house and apartment building. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 23 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Locked off parked plate- 2 Shot to Driver sides- Multi-story modern stone/brick and glass apartment building/office building/corporate. Palms. Spring/summer. (has other angles)


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Length: 57 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Process Plate- Reflection- Stopped at curb (10 seconds), lower to middle class residential street, two-story apartments on L, multi-story modern stone/brick & glass apartment building/corporate/office building, then drives. Pulls OVER right behind parked black and white police car, comes to stop, flashing bar lights turn on (17 seconds, flashing lights turn off, 10 seconds). Green trees and palms. Spring/summer, police pull over (has other angles)


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Length: 27 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Tight on rear of black and white "Los Angeles Sheriff" police car. Holds without lights (11 seconds), then flashing blue and red lights turn on. Residential street with large modern stone/brick and glass apartment building. Palms. Spring/summer. police pull over series,


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Length: 28 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Tight on parked black and white "Los Angeles Sheriff" police car, rear of car from driver side. Holds without lights (12 seconds), then flashing blue and red lights turn on. Residential street with large modern stone/brick and glass apartment building/corporate/office building. Palms. Spring/summer, police pull over series, has other angles


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Length: 31 sec.

Format: 35mm

Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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NX- Static- Tight on parked black and white "Los Angeles Sheriff" police car stopped in middle of residential side street, large modern stone/brick and glass apartment building/corporate/office building. Holds without lights (11 seconds), then flashing blue and red bar lights turn on. Palms. Spring/summer, police pull over series, has other angles


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Length: 17 sec.

Format: 4:2:2 (Rec709)

Digital Sources: None

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- hold then pans R -rkd L on eastern college campus school building/brick building with clock tower and large arched entrance, (University of New Hampshire), few students, windy, fall autumn, see New Hampshire Flag


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Length: 23 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Static- Wide across cement yard to front or back of two story red brick and white wood high school with outdoor hallways/walkways. Students (including 2 cheerleaders) enter building. Green trees. Mountains in b.g.


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Length: 20 sec.

Format: Hi Def

Digital Sources: Digi Beta

Aspect Ratio: 16:9


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DX- Hold wide, then zoom in on few students at entrance of red brick and white wood high school gym/auditorium. Students enter building. Green trees.


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