Length: 14 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Pan L/up to ND Raked L nice long 3-story stone building or dorm at eastern college, could be military barracks
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Tilt up/R to ND Raked R nice long 3-story stone building or dorm at eastern college campus, could be military barracks
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Length: 12 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Pan L/up to ND Raked R nice long 3-story stone building or dorm at eastern college, could be military barracks
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Length: 8 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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NX- Wide- ND Raked R nice long 3-story stone building or dorm at eastern college campus, could be military barracks
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Length: 43 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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DX: process plate from car- 90 to driver side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 25 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to driver side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 23 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to driver side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 42 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to driver side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 9 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to driver on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to driver on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 48 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to driver on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 8 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to passenger on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 12 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to passenger on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 43 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: None
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to passenger on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 19 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to passenger on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 43 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 45 to passenger on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 59 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to passenger side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 30 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to passenger side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 13 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to passenger side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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Length: 56 sec.
Format: 35mm
Digital Sources: HI Def & Digi Beta
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Click for full details
DX: process plate from car- 90 to passenger side plates on main city street passing residential streets with quaint houses some with red tiled roofs and some Palms, Los Angeles. (has other angles)
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